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  • Easy to use seals and buckles
  • Available in multiple sizes
  • Can be used with our sealing tools and combination tools

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Polypropylene strapping seals

We supply a variety of seals which are compatible with polypropylene strapping, including standard and premium quality lapover seals. We also stock serrated metal seals which work like regular seals but have serrated treads on the inside for a stronger grip and seal.

Standard metal: Our semi-open galvanised metal seals are easily affixed to strapping with a combination tool or a tensioner and sealer.

Premium metal: Our semi-open galvanised metal seals easily fit over strapping and can be fastened with a combination tool or a tensioner and sealer. sturdy and tough.

Serrated metal: In contrast, our serrated metal strapping seals function similarly to our galvanised seals and are composed of inner serrated treads that grab heavy-duty polyester (PET) strapping to provide an even stronger seal.

Plastic buckles: They are a simple substitute for metal seals and don't require an extra tool to seal straps. These buckles should only be used with PP strapping.

Steel buckles: Simple to use, no tools needed. Select between two varieties: galvanised (fit for both polypropylene and corded strapping) or phosphatized (ideal for polypropylene strapping).