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Mon to Thurs 08:30 - 17:30
Fri 08:30 - 17:00
  • Use serrated seals with PET strapping for extra security
  • Serrated inner treads increase friction & prevent loosening
  • Great for keeping heavy loads secured in transit

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Polyester strapping seals

Secure your polyester strapping with our serrated seals. These feature serrations on the inner surface which provide increased friction, preventing slipping or loosening once the strapping is tensioned and secured with a seal. Serrated seals also grant enhanced grip, improving the seal’s ability to hold the strapping tightly in place. This is particularly handy when securing heavy loads or in applications where movement or vibration may occur.

Serrated metal: Our serrated metal strapping seals function similarly to our galvanised seals and are composed of inner serrated treads that grab heavy-duty polyester (PET) strapping to provide an even stronger seal.