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  • Reels of bale strapping, also known as bale strap or baling strap
  • Strong, safe alternative to baling wire
  • Secure and lightweight
  • Ideal for heavy loads, awkward loads and compacting bales
  • Very high capacity to absorb shocks during transport
  • Coil fits most popular makes of compactors / balers.

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Bale strapping

When transporting heavy loads the correct equipment is essential to ensure they are secure, as if not done correctly, this can have a catastrophic outcome, for not only the business but also the safety of others. Purchasing strapping that won’t let you down is essential, so you can secure every load with confidence.

Also known as baling tape or bale press strap, our range of bale strapping is the ideal solution when compacting bales or awkward loads. It is a strong safe material that is simply hand tied or used in a baler or waste compactor. Bale strapping does not tear or fray and can be used in conjunction with heavy duty steel buckles and a basic tensioning tool. Possible to re-tension.

The diameter of each core measures 62mm.

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Baling wire

Looking for something stronger than bale strapping? Our galvanised steel baling wire is corrosion resistant and perfect for moisture-prone environments and outdoor use. Featuring a cut-and-loop design, one end is looped for easy threading and twisting, ensuring reliable closures.

Available in: 3mm x 4.25m (Approximately 103 pieces per 25kg bundle) and 3mm x 6m (Approximately 74 pieces per 25kg bundle).