Kite's route to EPR compliance
Kite will get you compliant with EPR in just 3 steps!

Step 1
We’ll meet with your over the Teams for a free of charge initial meeting to understand your obligation under EPR and advise next steps if obligated. Based on the information provided, we’ll put together a proposal which will be send over to you together with membership form to complete.

Step 2
We work with you to create a bespoke data collection system to collect relevant information. You will have to collect the necessary data, but we are here to solve any issues and provides you any additional tool to help you to collect your data. Once you collected your data, you return it back to us, we complete all the calculations and align the data to the activities you are performing.

Step 3
Once whole data analysis is completed, we will provide you your EPR Data Submission Form. Your data is now in the final stage, and it will be submitted in this format. The form will need to be checked before it is signed by the Approved Person. Once this is signed off by the Approved Person, we register your data with on the RPD portal and obtain the PRNs to offset your obligation.