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Tape guide

Tape guide: everything you need to know about our packaging tapes

Type Kite premium
Kite hot melt Low noise
Low noise acrylic
Easy tear
Vibac solvent Envirotape
paper tape
Gummed paper Reinforced
paper tape
kite premium acrylic brown kite hotmelt clear Vibac low noise acrylic kite easy tear solvent brown clear vibac solvent tape Envirotape acrylic envirotape polyester hotmelt clear paper kraft tape 48mm solvent Gummed paper tape paper kraft tape 48mm hotmelt
Features & benefits
Can be torn by hand
Low noise
Use in low temperatures
Environmentally friendly
Tamper evident
Technical Info
Core diameter 76mm 76mm 76mm 76mm 76mm 38mm 38mm 76mm 38/76mm 76mm
Length 66m 66m 66m 66m 66m 150m 150m 50m 200/100m 50m
Carrier polypropylene polypropylene polypropylene polypropylene polypropylene polypropylene PET (Polyester) paper paper paper
Carrier thickness 25 micron 28 micron 28 micron 28 micron 28 micron 25 micron 15 micron 85 micron - 115 micron
Adhesive water-based acrylic hot melt water-based acrylic solvent alternative solvent water-based acrylic hot melt natural rubber
(performs like rubber)
starch hotmelt
Adhesive thickness 20 micron 17 micron 20 micron 22 micron 17 micron 20 micron 18 micron 25 micron - 35 micron
Total thickness 45 micron 45 micron 48 micron 50 micron 45 micron 45 micron 33 micron 110 micron various 150 micron
How to identify sweet smell,
does not tear
burnt plastic smell,
does not tear
sweet smell,
does not tear,
quiet off roll
can be torn by hand
Chemical smell
like permanent marker,
does not tear
sweet smell,
does not tear,
small core
burnt plastic smell,
thin feel,
does not tear,
small core
rough texture,
sticks to itself
high tack,
papery texture
high tack,
visible reinforced filaments
Available colours