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Pallets guide

Pallets guide: Choose the right pallet for you

Pallet type and size Dimensions Load capacity Entry Material Unit weight Nestable Runners Ready for export
Wooden pallets Half euro 600 x 800 mm 1000 kg 4 way Virgin Timber6 kg
ISPM15 Compliant
Half euro (Skeleton) 600 x 800 mm 750 kg 4 way Virgin Timber1.5 kg
ISPM15 Compliant
Euro 1200 x 800 mm 1100 kg 4 way Virgin Timber
9 kg
ISPM15 Compliant
Euro (Skeleton) 1200 x 800 mm 750 kg 4 way Virgin Timber
3 kg
ISPM15 Compliant
Heavy duty euro 1200 x 800 mm 1300 kg 4 way Virgin Timber
13 kg
ISPM15 Compliant
Container 1200 x 1000 mm 1000 kg 4 way Virgin Timber
10.5 kg

ISPM15 Compliant
Container (Skeleton) 1200 x 1000 mm 750 kg 4 way Virgin Timber
3 kg

ISPM15 Compliant
Presswood pallets Quarter euro 400 x 600 mm 750 kg 2 way Recycled wood
(No traces of plastic)
2.5 kg

ISPM15 Compliant
Half euro 600 x 800 mm 1500 kg 4 way Recycled wood
(No traces of plastic)
4.5 kg

ISPM15 Compliant
Euro 1200 x 800 mm 2700 kg

4 way Recycled wood
(No traces of plastic)
11.5 kg

ISPM15 Compliant
Container 1200 x 1000 mm 2700 kg

4 way Recycled wood
(No traces of plastic)
15.5 kg

ISPM15 Compliant
Nestable plastic pallets Half euro 600 x 800 mm 1000 kg 4 way Recycled plastic
2.7 kg
Euro 1200 x 800 mm 2500 kg 4 way Recycled plastic
4.5 kg
Container 1200 x 1000 mm 2500 kg 4 way Recycled plastic
6 kg
Rackable plastic pallets Euro 1200 x 800 mm 5000 kg 4 way Recycled plastic
11 kg
Container 1200 x 1000 mm 5000 kg 4 way Recycled plastic
12.8 kg