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Health & safety policy

Health & Safety Policy

The Company is committed to ensuring the health and safety of its employees and to providing a safe environment.

Employees also have a statutory duty to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Employees shall report any health and safety concerns which they have to the site Managing Partner or Company Managing Director.

The Company will, so far as is reasonably practicable and sensible, ensure that:

  • adequate resources are provided to ensure that proper provision can be made for health and safety on its premises.
  • risk assessments are carried out and periodically reviewed at its premises.
  • systems of work at its premises are maintained that are safe and without risks to health.
  • arrangements for use, handling, storage, and transport of articles and substances for use at work are safe and without risks to health.
  • all employees are provided with such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to secure their safety and health at work and the safety of others who may be affected by their actions.
  • where appropriate, health surveillance will be provided for employees.
  • the provision and maintenance of all plant, machinery and equipment as its premises is safe and without risk to health.
  • the place of work is safe and without risks to health and that there is safe access to and egress from the workplace.

It is the duty of all employees at work:

  • to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work and co-operate with the Company in fulfilling its statutory duties.
  • not to interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health and safety at work.
  • co-operate and comply with any directions, rules or instructions regarding health and safety.
  • to report all health and safety concerns to the relevant Manager.

The attention of all employees is drawn to the Health and Safety Law poster which is displayed at their site. This poster outlines the Law, the Company’s legal duties and the employee’s legal duties.

Failure by an employee to comply with this policy or any other health and safety rules or instructions may be treated as misconduct and dealt with under the Company’s Disciplinary Procedure.

Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that this Health & Safety Policy is put into practice in the relevant site is delegated to the Managing Partner. Overall responsibility for health and safety is that of the Company Managing Director.

Gavin Ashe
Managing Director
February 2023

Kite Packaging - Health & Safety Policy 2023