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Gummed paper tape dispensers guide

Gummed tape guide: helping you choose the right gummed tape dispenser

Dispenser Pull & tear Manual table-top dispenser Electronic dispenser
  Manual pull and tear gummed paper tape dispenser Manual table-top dispenser Electronic gummed paper tape dispenser
What type of tape can it dispense?
Gum side out
Gum side in
gum paper tape
gum paper tape
What width tape can it hold?
What is the maximum tape length it can dispense?
Max length No limitation
Pull to desired length
No limitation
Pull lever to desired length
Up to
Benefits Compact and simple, pull and tear
Our most affordable dispenser for those on a budget
Light therefore can be moved anywhere
Can be used with any of our gummed tapes
Can be placed on a table top and moved anywhere
Simple to use for light to medium volume
3-in-1 moistens, dispenses and cuts the tape ready to use
Automatic one touch dispensing for heavy volumes
Can be used with all of our gummed tapes
Warranty 6 Months 12 Months 12 Months