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  • Floor-standing shrink hood chamber machines mounted on wheels for easy repositioning
  • Operated through a digital control panel with 6 programmes available, including a seal only option
  • Tunnels that effectively heat shrinks packages for increased speed and throughput
  • Delivery, installation and training needs to be ordered with all machines

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Shrink hood machines

Shrink and seal machines, more commonly known as shrink wrap machines, speed up packaging lines by heat shrinking and sealing in unit, taking just seconds to complete the process. They provide a quicker alternative to heat shrink guns or standard desktop systems.

Heat shrinking is commonly used for retail products as the clear wrap displays items professionally. By taking the shape of the product, the film offers a highly secure and tamper-proof method for protecting goods. Ideal for wrapping high-value products, particularly parts and electronics that can be easily damaged in transit.

Our machines all feature a roller mechanism which allows them to accommodate a variety of heat shrink films. This includes polyolefin, polyethylene (polythene) and micro-perforated film – crystal clear films that are perfect for POS. The rollers make the process highly efficient as the film can be wrapped around the product, cut and sealed in the right places to form a pouch and then shrink-wrapped to create the final product.

Kite Packaging offers its customers four different seal and shrink systems, see below for further information about the models available. These machines include a 12-month warranty.

Robopac Micra M & Micra L

  • Production rate of up to 300 products per hour.
  • Highly reliable and easy to operate.
  • Ideal for foodstuffs, graphics, chemicals, cosmetics, electronics, toys, pharmaceuticals, textiles, and plastic materials.
  • Suitable for food, medical, cosmetics, textiles industries and more.
  • Seals and retracts film on the product in a single operation.
  • Quick and easy programming and operating function adjustments.

Robopac 5040 & 6050 M

  • Semi-automatic machine with manual or automatic sealing bar movement.
  • Highly reliable and easy to operate.
  • Suitable for foodstuffs, graphics, chemicals, cosmetics, electronics, toys, pharmaceuticals, textiles and plastic materials.
  • Shaped sealing bars for faster cycle times.
  • Adapts to various product dimensions.
  • User-friendly for low and mid-speed production of a wide variety of items.