When we hear the word recycle, we typically think of it as an end process – a conscientious afterthought, whereas in actual fact we need to go back to the start. In order to master the recycling process, we need to address not only the question of what to do with a product at the end of its life but the whole fundamentals of its design.

We also supply products to help businesses recycle on their own site, taking direct ownership of their own environmental impact.
To process your own refuse on site, we supply professional level solutions including the popular shredding machine and industrial balers in a variety of models to scale toward your operation. The former allows you to turn any cardboard or paper into shreds that you can reuse as void fill. Waste from supplier deliveries becomes free packaging materials, cutting costs and saving masses of raw resource, in turn, saving the planet.
Kite’s waste compactors compress cardboard, plastic, paper, textile and even food waste into one small bale, hence minimising the waste sent to landfill in addition to lowering landfill taxes, waste collection fees and manual labour costs.