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Contact us

024 7642 0065
Mon to Thurs 08:30 - 17:30
Fri 08:30 - 17:00

In-the-box solutions

Our dedicated in-box solutions team works in close partnership with our customers to support them in finding savings through automation and increasing pack velocity.

Our in-box solutions division is a team of packaging experts with a specific focus on sourcing innovative packaging ideas and solutions for new and existing customers. We will guide you through each step of the process, providing tailored solutions most suited to your operation.

In-The-Box Solutions

Team of packaging engineers

example of paperjet in a box with product in it
  • On site pack cost analysis
  • Time and motion studies
  • Supply chain cost analysis

Testing lab / showroom

image of drop test
  • R&D, testing and pack development
  • Prototype testing
  • Demonstrations with your products

Independent testing

group picture of independent testing
  • UN certification
  • DEF standard
  • ISTA testing

Independent testing

ISTA & product testing

ISTA certification logo
  • Product testing to the ISTA standard
  • Once confirmed a certificate is then issued
  • We work in close partnership with Smithers Pira and Sealed Air

UN certification

Smiters Pira logo
  • Under UN certification – a universal/international system created by the United Nations in order to transport items safely by road, rail, sea and air, through correct classification, packaging, marking and labelling of dangerous goods, our expert design and manage the testing for organisations from start to finish
  • We test the packaging to ensure items such as dangerous hazardous substances are secure e.g. Lithium-ion batteries
  • Drop testing / strength testing