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  • L-Shaped foam with integrated holes to provide ultimate shock protection
  • Most suited to high-tech products such as computers and microscopes
  • Surrounds a products edges and protects smooth surfaces
  • Supplied in lengths of two metres, but can be cut to size
  • Dimensions:
      A = Angle of useable space
      B = Height of profile
      C = Length of profile

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Foam shock absorbers

These foam lengths are highly shock-absorbent and provide extra protection from vibration in transit. They have been specially designed to provide outstanding protection against damage caused in transit, including shock damage and vibration. The unique design of the foam means that it can be easily manipulated to create a wedge between products, corner protection, edge protection and surface protection.

The system foam is most suited to sensitive items, such as valuable electronics and medical equipment. This can include microscopes, computers, laptops, other electronic devices comprising delicate internal components, which could easily break should they suffer an impact whilst in transit.

We stock the most popular sizes, which provides brilliant shock and vibration protection to the majority of products. It has a density of 34kg/m3 and a hollow design to absorb the energy produced by shocks in transit, before it affects your products.

Features include minimal water absorption (less than 1% in a 40 day period), temperature resistance, non-scratch material for smooth surfaces, as well as being 100% recyclable and chemically neutral.


Each SKU in the range is defined by its ‘B’ dimension, the height of the L Profile which determines the thickness of the foam.

The ‘A’ dimension is the useable area angle size, usually 90 degrees or slightly more. This helps to give a good idea of how it will fit on to products. Finally the ‘C’ measurement is the length of the profile.

*Please note that our foam shock absorbers are not fire-rated.

Video: System shock absorbers
Watch a demonstration on how to apply Shock Absorber Protection to products

High density shock absorbers are supplied in two metre strips, and are designed for sensitive products.

This can include electronic items such as laptops, monitors and DVD players.

To use, measure the foam strip against the item and cut to size.

Attach to your item, around the edges to absorb shock in transit. Shock absorbers usually work best inside boxes, to hold the item in place and give shock protection.