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024 7642 0065
Mon to Thurs 08:30 - 17:30
Fri 08:30 - 17:00

Packaging regulations

Kite's Compliance Scheme

Kite Environmental Solutions (KES) is a leading compliance scheme in the UK, helping customers with audits, submissions and facilitating PRN purchases.

We are the only compliance scheme within the UK part of a packaging company.

Get in touch!

02476 420080

For members of our compliance scheme please login to our online portal!

Rated as Excellent

Our Compliance Scheme has been rated as 'Excellent' by the Environment Agency. This is testament that our solutions are second to none.

Bespoke Data Assessments

We offer bespoke assessments which are tailored to your business, ensuring you comply with the Packaging Regulations effectively.

Outstanding Service

To experience unrivalled customer service from start to finish you will be assigned a dedicated account manager, we will conduct on-site auditing and offer a consultancy service. We also offer competitive PRN prices, and we have a team of experts consistently analysing the PRN market.

Solving Non-Compliance

Don't worry if you have previous year non-compliance, one of our teams experts can help remedy this through an Enforcement Undertaking.

Specialist Packaging Knowledge

We are the only compliance scheme which is part of a UK Packaging Company. This allows us to make use of our packaging expertise.

Environment Agency Support

With unparalleled knowledge of the Regulations, our focus is attention to detail which is key to making sure you are not over obligated. Our methodologies are proven to pass any Environment Agency audit and we will attend these audits free of charge.