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Kite blog

Man Cave made out of recycled pallets

By Jake Kirk • Tuesday 5th September 2017

Seeing all of the weird, the wonderful and the crazy ways packaging has been used over the years is always something we find truly interesting. We have seen many creations, from art being made with bubble wrap, to a seating area made with pallets and even a DIY cardboard projector.

One of our colleagues has shown us how a family member used recycled pallets to create their very own ‘man cave’ at the bottom of their garden. We must say it is definitely impressive and really does look the part. Everything on the inside and outside was created using recycled materials.

We hope you enjoy this as much as we did, if you have any great creations related to packaging, get in touch!


Man cave made out of recycled pallets 1 Man cave made out of recycled pallets 2 Man cave made out of recycled pallets 3



Jake Kirk

Jake Kirk

5th September • 2017