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Kite blog

How to build a house using pallets!

By Jake Kirk • Friday 10th February 2017

Here at Kite, as we are sure you are aware, packaging is what we do, and is what we are great at! We occasionally like to show you some of the wonderful things you can do with packaging (besides from protecting your goods during transit) and that has led to us to finding this incredible country house that has been made using… you guessed it - packaging!

This house is made of wooden pallets, inside and out - which we think is very impressive! In our world we see pallets being used for transporting and storing goods, but we love it when we see them being used for something completely different and creative. With credit to Bright Side, they have put together a handy guide to show you just how much potential pallets have.

Though this example is perhaps not the simplest creation, we would love to see if you have created something from pallets! You could even check out our range of pallets if you feel like getting creative!

See how you can get building you very own pallet house here.

Image and story credit to Bright House.

Jake Kirk

Jake Kirk

10th February • 2017