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Goodbye Licking Yoghurt Lids, Hello Liquid-Repelling Packaging!

By Jake Kirk • Friday 17th April 2015

Here at Kite we love keeping up to date with the latest packaging industry announcements and creations around the globe.  And we are excited after hearing about the latest development over in Japan, revealed in the news this week.

Yoghurt lids that stop yoghurt sticking. Now you may be like us and enjoy licking the yoghurt off your lid, but this new development claims consumers will be provided with a much more hygienic and practical eating method. And it’s one that we were intrigued to find out more about.

Lotus Flower

German makers Toyo Aluminium were inspired by the nature of lotus leaves and their high water repellence. Developing upon this theory, they created aluminium-based yoghurt lids, covered in microscopic bumps. The bumps built within the lid are designed to increase the contact angle at the surface and force yoghurt droplets into spheres, similar to how water is repelled by lotus leaves.  The development has been so successful, that Toyal Lotus technology makers have now teamed up with Japan’s Moringaga Milk Industry, to bring it to consumers.

The Benefits Of The Lotus Leaf

Hundreds of years ago in Eastern Asia, when modern day packaging wasn’t available, natural resources such as animal skins, coconut shells and lotus leaves were used instead. The lotus leaf is a multi-purpose, genius creation of Mother Nature. With its super absorbent and self- cleaning properties, it is still used today. Common in traditional Chinese dishes and medicines, it is also an excellent sustainable packaging method.

So, what does this mean for the packaging industry?

Liquid-repelling packaging is an exciting, innovative development for the food and drink industry.

Yoghurt 2

With the increasing demand from consumers wanting a fast and convenient method of eating and drinking ‘on the move’, liquid repelling packaging, which is food and hygiene compliant, has the potential to become the modern foundation for changing the way we eat and drink in our everyday lives.

The new development may not appeal to everyone though.  For some, licking the lid is all part of the pleasure of eating yoghurt.


So, are you convinced? Do you think you will still lick the yoghurt of the lid, or use your spoon? Here at Kite we would definitely give it a try to solve a sticky situation.